Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Caaallm Down!!

Phew is anybody else running around the world like a chicken with its head cut off?!!  haha...I know all you college students out there are.  It's FINALS TIME!!!  WooHoo!!!  Tomorrow is my first final and it is in my amazing Real Estate class.  A classmate came over tonight to study and I thank God he did because I unknowingly left my notebook at my house in Havelock!!  How do you do that?! The week of finals too....what an idiot I am! But he came over and we went through the study guide and he was even kind enough to scan some of his notes and send them to me.  Thank you Reid you are awesome!!!  I owe him big time.

I have been working out, but not doing a lot of cardio.  I simply haven't had time.  Believe me, no excuses, I REALLY haven't had time!  I did clean the apt very thoroughly though, so I'm sure that burned some calories.  I can't believe I graduate in what, 8 days?!  oh my gosh.  Where has my life gone?! It's flashed by and another chapter of my life is coming to an end while another (Grad school) begins.  I just hope it is all worth it in the end.

 Oh my KIA Memorial Bracelet came in!!  I love it.
 Ok folks, I've got to get back to studying for this exam!! talk to yall later!

Friday, December 2, 2011

My life...

Has been way too hard.  What the heck.  I haven't posted in FOREVER because school has been overwhelming and I was in PA for Thanksgiving (which was an awesome trip).  I love seeing my family.

So today's post is going to be short.  Why?  Because we just put my dog to sleep...I seriously have not stopped crying.  I don't mean to be a 'Debbie Downer' on a Friday night, but i did not think I had this many tears in me!  Miller was SUCH an AWESOME dog!!  He was funny, protective, smart and dumb all at once, and an attention whore.  He had a cute snaggle tooth that always showed and the softest fur!  Im really just going to miss how funny he was...if you knew him, you know what I mean :)  He always knew when I was upset and would lay by me when I cried.  God, I'm going to miss him...I do already.  Seriously, I need to stop crying.  I could make a list, a page long, of things NOT going right in my life and a very short list of the things that are.  This is not what a young, 21 year old college student should be thinking.  I need a long vaycay.  asap.

 ^^This pic cracks me up
 After getting groomed :)
 Snaggle tooth!
 "Yay Daddy's home!  Now I can lay in his suitcase!"
 He loved blankets!

OK so I have officially cried so much that I can't see.  My eyes are dry as the desert now and they're all cloudy!!  Ohhh Millllerrrr.  For those of you who didn't know-back in 2001 after we moved into our current house, I was riding my bike when I found Miller lying outside of a house being built.  My brother had seen a van just drop him off.  So I brought him home with me and we took him to the Havelock pound.  They had said that they were going to put him to sleep :(  So after begging my daddy, we decided to keep him!  He has been such a great dog.  His personality was absolutely awesome.  I dont know who would leave him on the side of the road....I hope that the next dog I have is just as awesome, but Miller will never be replaced.

Rest In Peace Miller

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lord, help me!!

OK so I have been SO incredibly busy.  But, I have some good news...


Next semester will be my first semester as a graduate student!  I'm so excited that I got in, but I'm nervous about the workload! 

So, as you can see, I haven't written in a while..a long while.  I had typed up a whole things a few days ago, but something happened and it didn't save and wouldn't upload!  I was ticked to say the least.  School has been kicking my butt.  I have been going non-stop with school projects, papers, and tests.  I can't wait for Christmas break!  I am going to feel so free! Hopefully...

Last week, I went to the Guitar Pull at Cherry Point with Lauren and Jon and we met up with Lauren's family and some family friends.  It was fun!! I had a few beers and listened to some great country music.  BTW, Kelly Pickler lost weight!  A lot!  I don't know what she did, but she is tinyyyy....

Thursday night, Lauren, Amy, and I went to the Twilight Marathon!  We saw the first 3 movies followed by the premier of Breaking Dawn: Part I.  I loved it.  I was so tired, but it was cool to see the movies consecutively.  Breaking Dawn is so intense!  They did a pretty good job interpreting what the book said while keeping it PG-13.  (Blood, sex, etc) :P haha oh and omg Jacob Lautner is so FINE!  I wish he would just walk into my life....him and that hot bod.  wow.

 Those abs.  That back.  That smile.  That BODY!  man oh man.  I don't care that he's two years younger than me.  I can handle that ;)

Ok so I went through wednesday, thursday, and now friday.  Lauren had a sort of 'pre-bridal shower' at her house!  It was a Scentsy, Thirty-One, Tupperware, and Pure Romance party!  Lotsa stuff!  It was so fun!  Lauren's momma makes the best Margaritas...her specialty :)

Tomorrow Jack and I leave for MD to vivit my grandparents on my moms side, then Wednesday we are headed to PA to see the rest of my family!! I'm excited to get a break from school and visit everyone.  We see them about 2-3 times a year...not very much at all, but somehow we still remain close :D

Well, I hate to say this, but school is calling my name :( 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veteran's Day!

Wow!  What an exciting past three days!  My dad has three special days in a row- his birthday, the USMC birthday, and Veteran's Day!  He probably hates all the attention or comments he's getting.  That's just the way he is...he doesn't like to be recognized for anything!   Today...I want to write about him.

I strive to be like my dad.  I strive to have his smarts, his wittiness, his ambition, his composure, his forgiveness, his faith, and his love and compassion.  I feel as though he always makes the right decisions.  This may be because if it seems wrong at first, he fixes it or he didn't know it was wrong.  If I'm in doubt about something, I don't ask "What Would Jesus Do?".  I'm not ashamed to say this.  Instead, I ask "What would my father do?" (which is usually what Jesus would do!)

My dad is smart in...every subject.  Have a question about physics?  Ask him.  Have a question about math?  Ask him.  Science, history (especially), math, politics, bombs :P, why things are the way they are or how something's made?  Ask him.  He will know something about it.  And if he doesn't?  He never told my brother or I to forget about it because it's not important.  He never forgot about himself either.  We would research things together.  Go to the encyclopedias (bc the Internet wasn't huge in the early 90's!) or now, we do use the Internet as a good research tool.  We always found the answer to our questions.
My dad is always the first to offer a helping hand and never expects a single thing for it.  While driving, he stops and helps somebody pulled off to the side.  He stops and removes debris from busted tires.  He helps when there's been an accident.  He stays after Church for hours to do dishes, clean, or anything else that needs done.  He opens his home for guests without ever second guessing it or  doubting the decision.  He lends money, time, and energy.  Seeing all of this as I grew up has shown me that I should do what I can to help people (whether they are in need or not). 
Recently, my ex said some extremely hurtful things to me.  Shortly after, he apologizes and says it was a mistake (obviously!).  I didn't say anything back for a long while.  My father (being the strong, Christian man he is) explained to me that the right thing to do is forgive him.  It shows what kind of a person you are when you can forgive people for hurting you.  So I did.  I told my ex that I forgave him and you know what?  I felt so much better.  I felt relieved and kind of proud lol.. My father helps me get through so many rough times. He always knows what to say or do. Again, I strive so much to follow his lead.
Something that my dad taught my brother and I very early on was to never panic in stressful situations.  Seemed weird when I was younger, but I cherish the composure that I have gained from my father's advice!  I understand that panic just leads to chaos in any situation.  When driving, if you lose control or go off the road a bit, you don't swerve!!  You take a breath, think about what you're doing and slowly and easily gain back control of the vehicle.  I learned many, many other things from him thanks to his defensive driving course :)    (just another way the Marine Corps has affected my life in some way)
There are many, many, many other things I could tell you that would prove to you my father's ... greatness I guess I could say. 
Make sure you discipline your children but still have fun with them! 
Don't do a good deed so that you can run and tell others what you have done; do it because it's simply the right thing to do.
Don't tattle tale...does not build good character.
Read books.
Make fun of yourself.
Women are evil (yes, I do agree!)
Money doesn't make you rich.  Family, love, and general satisfaction make your life rich.
Educate yourself.  If you don't know the answer to something, look it up.
Trust God.
If someone is hurting you, scream.  No matter what the perpetrator does, let someone know you are being hurt.
Guns are good.

Weeellll...again, there's so much more!  I am truly blessed with the best father in the world.  He is my hero.  Not just because he is a very well respected and decorated Marine who helps preserve this great country of ours, but because he has helped shape who I am.  He has lead the way for me and made a great example out of himself.  I hope that my children look to me and/or my husband the way I do him.  Btw, this should not in any way be perceived as saying that my mother isn't great or anything!  I will write about her another day, but I have jsut been thinking about my dad a lot with all the events this past week.

Y'all have a blessed start to your weekend!  Thank you to ALL Veterans for all that you do and all that you sacrifice.  I will never take you for granted.

P.S.  Just thought I would add something else.  My dad retired because they wouldn't send him back to Iraq/Afghanistan.  My dad wanted so desperately to go back.  He did not want the young guys who were slightly less experienced to go.  Every time someone was killed, it was as though he felt it was his fault.  It should have been him.  Not the 28 year old with three young children.  Not another 28 year old with a son.  Especially not the 23 year old with a whole life ahead of him.  Not any of them.  My dad would rather it have been him.  Sometimes I think about it selfishly.  Yes he's gotten to see me grow up, mostly, but he hasn't walked me down the aisle, he hasn't met my children.  Then I think about the young children who won't have their dad to play ball with.  They won't have their dad to guide them through the tough times.  So I guess I see where he is coming from.  He retired so that he can pursue other job options where he will actually make a difference and save lives.  Sitting behind a desk was not where he should be.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy 236th Birthday Marines!

I love the Marine Corps!  10 November 1775 has a special place in my heart.  I have been incredibly busy the past two days, so I will write tomorrow. 

Just wanted to say OORAH and SEMPER FIDELIS!!!  I love the Marine Corps with all my heart!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

...said Leonardo da Vinci.  I like that quote because I was just telling someone about my style of clothing, which I would describe as simple, classy, and sophisticated.  Then I found that quote and it made me happy :) hehe simple things make me smile...

This morning was a good chest workout-

Wide-Grip Smith Machine Bench Press
Wide and Close Pushups
Cable Crossover
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
Side-to-side Pushups

Then cardio :)  ...So you don't have to do the regular bench press on the Smith Machine, but if you are a newb like me at benching and/or don't have a gym partner to spot you, it's a great alternative.  I have been doing a lot of workouts lately that are new to me.  I had never used a cable machine, but so far, I have really liked it.  It provides great resistance and you have to keep control of the cables.  Tomorrow is shoulders, so get ready! :P

I then came home, ate, took a shower and got ready for Real Estate Financing.  I love that class.  I am learning so much valuable information.  I will make another post some day about how much I love my Finance major!  My second class got cancelled!  So I went to Food Lion!  hehe... annnnnnd I got Lauren, Amy, and I tickets to the Twilight series marathon at the theater and Breaking Dawn tickets!!!  I'm so stoked...I know I probably sound like a pre-teen/teenage girl, but idc.  Yes, the books were wayyy better than the movies, but I still like to see what I read being portrayed by the actors. 

Tonight Jack and I had tacos for dinner-simple, quick, and yummy :)  Not good for my diet, but it's ok.  Speaking of that though, I can't wait to do my next competition.  I just felt so great about my body that day (probably the only day ever).  Plus, the other girls were super nice and helpful to me.  They knew this was my first competition and they were so accommodating and sweet.  Hopefully this spring I will be doing a bikini competition.  Then, my diet will definitely matter (although it should now). 

Alright folks, that's all for today (school is keeping me busyyy)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Funday!

Yes another Monday!  Another Monday to start a great week that God has granted us!  Today was an alright Monday.  I had class, then went to the gym for a great arm work out.  I will go ahead and post that :) -

Barbell Curl
Overhead Cable Curl
Cable Hammer Curls with Rope Attachment
Resume Normal Sets
Alternate Hammer Curls
Bench Dips
Seated Tricep Press
Tricep Pushdown with Rope Attachment

I then did abs and a bit of cardio.  Again, if you want me to post pictures of any of these, let me know!   I did 3 sets of 10 repetitions because I used a slightly higher weight than I would if I did a higher number of repetitions.  Remember, in a Superset, you perform the exercise right after one another, then rest.  Whereas, with a normal set, you perform one set of the exercise, rest, do another of the same exercise.  If you follow this, your arms will be killing you by the end!!  I'm going to be so sore, but I'm pumped for chest tomorrow morning!

So this past weekend I didn't do too much.  Friday Jack and I went home and I did our laundry (how can two people have so much laundry?!) and I worked out...and Saturday morning I worked out as well.  Grocery shopping was on the to-do list so i knocked that out!  I was not feeling very at ALL Saturday evening, but by the time I was, a few of my friends were going out in Greenville, so I decided to tag along.  We didn't catch the bus downtown until 12:53!!  But it wasn't too big of a deal because it was Daylight Savings Time!  We got an extra hour at the club! ended up being a late night, but it was fun.  I really miss hanging out with my high school friends.

This Daylight Savings Time thing has got me all confused!  It's 1738 and it's almost completely dark out!  Ahh!!  I am happy that the sun comes up earlier though-brightens my day :) literally.  DST also signals that it is close to Thanksgiving time and the Holidays!  I love this time of year because I get to see my family in Pennsylvania, eat delicious food, and drink yummy hot cocoa and coffee with delicious creamers!  Mmmmm =)

Sooo I have a test and a quiz tomorrow, so I'm gonna have to cut this short so I can study and eat some brown rice and peas hehe.  Thanks for reading!!!

 freaking adorable!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Helicopters, Jets, & Humvees ... Oh my!

Oh the joys of living less than 2 miles from the largest Marine Corps Air Station is getting to hear the roar of the Jets and the helicopters.  Some are extremely loud...I sometimes forget this when I have been away at school and come back home.  But you know what?!  I love it!  Hearing and witnessing the Harrier fly directly over my house makes me smile.  As the sign outside the front gate says, "Pardon Our Noise, It's the Sound of Freedom."  The sounds of the aircraft are music the ears of the Marines who fight on the ground, for there is nothing Marines like more than to have Marine artillery behind them, Marine intelligence in front of them, and Marine aircraft overhead.  It does get a little annoying when they fly over at a good part of your favorite TV show or when the vibration from the sounds begins to shake the walls, but that feeling goes away once you stop and think about who is flying those aircraft and what it means to the country and the Corps. 
AV-8B Harrier = awesome, amazing, and loud
 V-22 Osprey
I also love when I'm driving down the highway and then I'm passing a convoy of Hummvees!  When my family visits, they get a kick out of that.  And when we are on Camp Lejeune and the road says "TANK XING".  Ya know instead of railroad crossing or something normal, we have tank crossings...gotta love it.  And I do!!
  Guess who was at the gym again today?  Pauly D.  Yupp a Marine who looks just like Pauly D.  Did I tell yall about him?  Ok 2 weeks ago I was at the gym and so was 'Pauly D'.  He had headphones on and was singing extremely loud (attention whore?).  He was singing Selena Gomez "Love you like a love song"!  wtf!! So he comes over to me and this is our conversation-
Pauly D - "Do you like Selena Gomez?"
Me - "No"
Pauly D - " :-O Why not?!"
Me - "Because I'm an adult!"
Pauly D - "Oh so what you only like rap?"
Me - "Umm no I didn't say that.  I just don't like anything I hear on the Disney Channel."
Pauly D - "Oohhhh you got jokes!"

Ok that was the gist of it.  But ANYWAYS...he was there again today...singing the same song!!  Wow...moving on though, today was Back & Cardio so here is my workout:

Wide pushups
Bent over barbell/dumbbell row (whichever you choose, but use correct form!)
Seated Cable Rows
Resume normal sets..
Wide-grip lat pulldown
One arm dumbbell row
Close grip lat pulldowns
Stairclimber - 25 minutes

Now, today I did 3 sets of about 8 repetitions.  This is because I increased my weight to about 85% of my max.  On a few, I wasn't sure about the weight I should use and it ended up being a little light, so I did more reps.  The stairclimber absolutely killed my knees...i know I shouldn't do it, but I need cardio.  I just do...and I'm stubborn and can't listen to my body's pain signals.  In my nutrition class though, I had to do a Diet Analysis project that included a 3-day average of my diet.  I found that I'm not getting enough calories, carbs, protein, magnesium, and potassium.  I also found that I'm getting twice the amount of Zinc I need and I'm above the toxic level for Vitamin A (yes it can be toxic!).  I think I am going to take my multivitamin every other day as opposed to every day.  I need to start eating more I guess.  More egg whites maybe or oatmeal.  You've got to give your body the fuel it needs to work and I'm not doing that, so I guess that's partially why I'm not getting as lean as I'd like.  
 Ok this is long enough!  Thank you for reading, and I hope you get something out of this!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Car hunting...

sucks.  oh my goodness!  I just went with my friend Hiep (who I was in the car accident with) to go car searching.  It sucked!  I just feel like car salesmen are dishonest and will say/do whatever it takes to get the sale.  Plus, I felt the cars were over priced (duh!).  So Hiep decided to hold off on the car until he doesn't have to finance anything and he got a Trek bike!  Trek is all Jack and I had growing up...they are fantastic bikes.  After being in the shop and talking about it though, it got me wanting to ride again!  It's been forever since I've ridden a bike.  I think I'm going to bring mine up to Greenville....  =)

Ohh today I have had an awful migraine for some reason.   I don't think I'm dehydrated because I've been drinking lots of water.  Oh well... This morning I worked out my shoulders again and here is what I did-

Seated Dumbbell Press
Rear Delt Flyes
Seated Arnold Press
Dumbbell Front Raise
Dumbbell Lateral Raise

I then did a few ab workouts and did a little cardio.  Since cardio has been difficult for me, I've had a lot of lactic acid built up in my leg muscles...this showed during my cardio.  I started to get that awful itching and burning sensation!  Ugh I hated it.  Just to warn you, starting tomorrow, the workouts will be getting somewhat harder...for the most part :)

This weekend I've got a lot of school work to do...not looking forward to it.  I AM however, looking forward to school being done with.  I have been so stressed out (maybe that's why I have a headache?).  I also have a test and a quiz on Tuesday that I need to study for.  I have no idea what one of my classes is even about!  It's kind of pointless...I mean I'm learning cool things, but not in the type of way that I will be able to use it in the future.  Alrighty well my head is hurting looking at this computer screen so  adios!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Today was uneventful.  I picked my friend Hiep up, went to school, came home and cleaned.  Yes, I finally cleaned!  Our apartment needed it so bad.  My room could still use a pretty good cleaning.  For dinner this evening, I made myself a turkey burger (but not a burger) with garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, and pepper.  I also had sweet potato fries and peas!  It was all delicious :)  I didn't workout today, but I will do shoulders tomorrow morning, bright and early.

So being that this blog is called 'Patriotic Barbie' and I speak a lot about being a Marine's daughter, I do occasionally want to write about small ways that the Marine Corps has shaped my life and who I am.  It actually has everything to do with who I am, but I'm saving that for my NY Times Bestseller :)

Today I want to briefly discuss how my parents drilled discipline into my brother and I.  Jack and I have always been held accountable for our actions and we always knew what was expected of us.  Essentially, there are 3 main approaches to discipline:  1) Character Discipline, 2) Physical Discipline, and 3) Mental Discipline.  I don't think a day went by that Jack and I weren't disciplined on our actions related to the 2 kinds of discipline :)  catch that ok?!

Character discipline substantially rely upon core values and leadership objectives.  From a very early age, I can recall my dad speaking to me and saying things that built up my core values.  I was reminded of one today--one of my management professors was talking about culture in a company or corporation.  She compared a boss keeping their word to their employees, to her friend always saying "Thank you" but never giving anything back.  Now these are not related!!  Obviously a boss should keep their promises that they make to employees.  But if you do something nice for your friend and they always say thank you but never give anything back, oh well!  You shouldn't do good things just to get something in return or just to get recognition for it.  My dad has ALWAYS drilled this into our brains.  You do good things out of the goodness of your heart and when no one is looking.       Of course the Marine Corps' 3 core values are Honor, Courage, & Commitment.  These three values should be in every person.  I try my best to live by them and to keep my integrity and character.

Physical discipline is a BIG deal to me!  I definitely credit my physical discipline to my father.  Clearly, a Marine should be in good physical shape.  Whether you're walking on the beach or carrying 70 pounds of gear 21 miles, it takes toughness to be a Marine.  My dad always had perfect or near perfect PFTs.  He worked out 3 times a day, but not in the weightlifting way.  My dad is a pretty scrawny guy (should I say was since he's retired?!  Shhh) and he always did non-gym workouts-pullups, pushups, crunches, cherry pickers, running, etc.  When I was younger, Jack and I would do sit-ups and other exercises as little competitions!  We made working out and being active fun!  That is key.  It's hard to workout when you don't enjoy it.  I carry his physical discipline with me today.  When I don't feel like working out, I just make myself!  It's always worth it in the end.  And when you don't think you're strong enough for something, work harder!!  You can do ANYthing you put your mind to...for realz!!

Mental discipline can apply to every aspect of life.  It's simply putting mind over matter.  It's studying for a test or quiz, it's doing schoolwork, it's doing what is right in a sticky situation.  Having mental discipline makes you a stronger person.  You'll be willing to do more in life and take chances.  It will also get you through the tough times in life.  Whether you are coming home from a long tour of duty or your parents are getting divorced, being mentally disciplined will definitely help!

Okay, I'm not gonna lie--I started to get a little sloppy and disorganized in my writing at the end haha  I know this is kind of a long post, but I hope you took the time to read it and think about the discipline that you have in your life...

Take care and stay disciplined ;)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Already?!  And I don't even have a date to the Marine Corps Ball!!  Hehehe I'm just playin...kinda.  But seriously, I can't believe it's November!  Where the heck has the time gone?!  I hope everyone had a safe Halloween.  I didn't do anything, just worked on some homework and cooked Jack and I dinner.  We had a top roast in a soy sauce marinade and rice and veggies!  Oh yeah, good news!  I got an 'A' on both of my tests I had last Friday!!  I was pretty excited.  I have a tough one coming up next week though :S

So besides the Marine Corps birthday, my Dad's birthday, and my aunt Joyce's birthdays all making this month special, we have something for the guys--No Shave November.  Now, I have no idea when this got popular but it was introduced to me my sophomore year of college.  Let me just say, I'm not a huge fan!  Well at least if I were dating someone participating, but I'm not!  So guess what?!  Let it all go boys!  I love seeing how guys in my class look with a beard and seeing how some guys beards grow faster than others.  Personally, I'm not a fan of beards...actually, I'm not a fan of body hair at all :S  okay is this getting to be tmi?!  Yes?  Maybe??  Ok well while we are talking about men, I'm just going to point out something that I've noticed recently.   I am oddly attracted to older men!  Every time I see a guy out of the corner of my eye and think "Ooo who's that?!", I look and he's got to be at least 30!  It's been happening a lot.  Just thought I'd share... =)

Today I worked out chest and triceps!  By the way, that leg workout I posted on Saturday is a great one.  I worked out early Saturday morning, and now on Tuesday evening, I'm still sore!  But anyways, here is the workout I did today:

Wide Push-ups
Flat bench Dumbbell Press
Flat bench flyes
Bench Dips
Lying Tricep Extensions
Dumbbell Triceps kickback

There you go!
Everyone have a fantastic evening!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween!  It's not really a big deal to me, but for others, it may be!  Saturday night I went to a Halloween party as Sailor Moon again!  It was actually a pretty big hit though!  Haha everyone who knew who Sailor Moon was loved it.  I don't remember seeing any outfits that were super crazy or creative though.  Today, I'm not really celebrating either.  I'm going to run errands with Lauren, maybe work on a group project for school, and possible go to a friends house this evening. 

This past Saturday was Homecoming for a few colleges.  ECU did win the football game!  Also, my friend Travis won homecoming King!  He definitely deserves it-he's a great guy.  My friend from high school that I mentioned in an earlier post, did get the title of Miss UNC 2011!  I'm glad that her 'Troop Store' will be opening on UNC's campus.  So this weekend, all of my teams won except for one.  ECU football got a win, Penn State pulled out a W, and the Steelers beat the Patriots!  Sadly, the Penguins fell to Toronto. 

Okie doke, I don't have much to discuss today for several reasons, but I did want to post a recipe that I'm sure all of you will enjoy!!  It's for Pink Champagne Cupcakes!  DE-LISH!  I made them for a get-together that I had for Lauren's bridal party!  ok so here it is:

Pink Champagne Cupcakes
24 cupcakes   PREP TIME: 15 minutes
START TO FINISH: 1 Hour 15 minutes
2 3/4 cups all purpose flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 shortening or butter
1 2/3 cups sugar
5 egg whites
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1 1/4 cupschampagne
4-5 drops red food color

1.  Heat oven to 350 degrees F.  Place a paper baking cup in each of 24 regular size muffin cups.
2.  In medium bowl, mix flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside
3.  In large bowl, beat shortening with electric mixer on medium speed 30 seconds.  Gradually add sugar, about 1/3 cup at a time, beating well after each addition and scraping bowl occasionally.  Beat 2 minutes longer.  Add egg whites, one at a time, beating well after each addition.  Beat in vanilla and red food coloring drops.  On low speed, alternately add flour mixture, about 1/3 of mixture at a time, and champagne, about 1/2 at a time, beating until just blended.
4.  Divide batter evenly among muffin cups, filling each about 2/3 full.
5.  Bake 18-20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.  Cool in pans 5 minutes.  Remove from pans; place on cooling racks to cool.  Frost!

Champagne Frosting
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
4 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup champagne
1 teaspoon vanilla
4-5 drops red food coloring

In medium bowl, beat frosting ingredients with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth.  Frost cupcakes and sprinkle with desired sprinkles/decorations!

 Alrighty, so here is one time where you can use a less expensive champagne!  There is a little left over so be sure to enjoy that as well :)  With the frosting here, I had to play around with it a bit to get the right consistency, so you may need to add more powdered sugar.  They were so delicious though!  I hope yall enjoy!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Old Friends, Good Nights, & Great Memories

Well last night was another win for Havelock football!! 12-0 right now I believe?!  They won 76-13 I think it was.  We left in the beginning of the 4th quarter.  I met up with some old high school friends-Lucas, Rob, Richard, Beaner, and Rob's girlfriend Whitney.  We then took a trip to Wal-Mart to try to find them some last minute Halloween costumes!  I don't even remember what they got.  I ended up passing out at Bean's house.  Annnnd this morning was a good leg workout:

Walking lunges with weights
Lying Leg Curls
Hip Abductor/Adductor Machine
Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts
Wide stance squats on Smith machine
Standing Calf Raises (in 3 different positions)

Here, I did 3 sets of up to 16 reps.  Since I have been increasing my weight though, I sometimes failed before I got to that point and could not go anymore.  I then did a few ab exercises.  I meant to do my glutes but forgot because I was kind of rushed...I'll squeeze them in another time. 

Currently I'm in Swansboro visiting my mom.  We are having blackened Salmon for dinner!  I'm kind of excited :)  We aren't doing too much today though.  It's super windy and cold outside though and I do NOT like it!!!  Well, since I don't have too much to talk about today, I will leave y'all with some funny pictures =)

HAHAHA Looks just like Antoine Dodson!!

 This is just wrong!!!

 Aww poor thang !!!

This isn't funny, but it is really neat!!

What we did last night/today

Alright, have a blessed day!