So besides the Marine Corps birthday, my Dad's birthday, and my aunt Joyce's birthdays all making this month special, we have something for the guys--No Shave November. Now, I have no idea when this got popular but it was introduced to me my sophomore year of college. Let me just say, I'm not a huge fan! Well at least if I were dating someone participating, but I'm not! So guess what?! Let it all go boys! I love seeing how guys in my class look with a beard and seeing how some guys beards grow faster than others. Personally, I'm not a fan of beards...actually, I'm not a fan of body hair at all :S okay is this getting to be tmi?! Yes? Maybe?? Ok well while we are talking about men, I'm just going to point out something that I've noticed recently. I am oddly attracted to older men! Every time I see a guy out of the corner of my eye and think "Ooo who's that?!", I look and he's got to be at least 30! It's been happening a lot. Just thought I'd share... =)
Today I worked out chest and triceps! By the way, that leg workout I posted on Saturday is a great one. I worked out early Saturday morning, and now on Tuesday evening, I'm still sore! But anyways, here is the workout I did today:
Flat bench Dumbbell Press
Flat bench flyes
Bench Dips
Lying Tricep Extensions
Dumbbell Triceps kickback
There you go!
Everyone have a fantastic evening!
Love us some older men ;)