Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy February

Well, again, it has been forever and a day since I have written.  I'm not kidding when I say that between school, work, and working out, my time is completely spent.  3 graduate classes are too many for me this semester.  Next semester I am only taking two and working along with that. 

Enough complaining.

So last Wednesday, my best friend Lauren taught her first spinning class!  She is doing her internship at the YMCA in New Bern and after just three weeks, she is teaching.  Her class was really good!  I definitely got a good workout!  It really hurts my knees though :(  the part where you stand and pedal ("jogging") killed me.  I'm not supposed to do stairclimbers or anything because of my knees, and this simulated that.  But that had nothing to do with her teaching or the class overall :)  She did great and I'm so happy for her!  Love ya!

I can't believe it's already Superbowl time!  And it's on my brother's birthday once again!  He is going to be 19 (I can't believe that either!).  Time flies when you're having fun going to school full time!  This Superbowl, I don't really care who wins, but I'd rather it be the Giants.  I just don't care for the Patriots.  My Steelers didn't do so hot this year! 

Whelp, I just wanted to finally get on here and write something, but now I've got to get back to Finance homework!  I hope you all have had a great month!  Y'all be blessed :-)